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Digital Nature Fusion

Carbon Reduction Plan

Updated Carbon Reduction Plan - 2024

Commitment to Achieving Net Zero

Digital & Delivery Ltd is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2035.

Baseline Emissions Footprint

Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.

Baseline Year: 2023

Baseline Year: 2023 Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations.

The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), AR6, described the severe consequences of a failure to prevent global temperature rise below 1.5. The recently concluded COP26 made clear that to limit global warming at 1.5, carbon emissions need to halve by 2030 and drop to net zero by the middle of the century for the best chance to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

Baseline year emissions: as per the validation using : via website calculator.

As a responsible business Digital & Delivery Ltd is committed to become net-zero by 2035. This report sets out a net-zero roadmap, detailing the strategies we have put in place to achieve this goal. Baseline year emissions cover the consumption and emissions arising for Digital & Delivery Ltd and related business activities. Emissions data have not been officially published prior to 2023, therefore we have selected Digital & Delivery's Financial Year 2023/24 as the baseline in line with Streamline Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR).

See more information on the Carbon Reduction Plan Download report at this end of this page.

Methodology used in the calculation of disclosures

ESOS methodology (as specified in Complying with the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme version 6, published by the Environment Agency, 21.01.21) used in conjunction with Government GHG reporting conversion factors.

For carbon only related matters, the SECR methodology as specified in “Environmental reporting guidelines: including Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting and greenhouse gas reporting” was used in conjunction with Government GHG reporting conversion factors.

Our Corporate Carbon Footprint

Digital & Delivery Ltd has halved the Scope 1 and 2 emissions since 2023 —this is from activities such as heating and powering offices by renewable energy, energy monitoring due to submetering, and efficiency in transferring the majority of our on-Premise services to Cloud platforms. Digital & Delivery Ltd is committed to a paperless office and in our warehouse all packaging is recycled or reused. Since 2023 we have halved our employee commuting impact. Digital & Delivery Ltd’s are estimated to reduce our customers’ carbon impacts by over 65%.
We aim to work collaboratively with other likeminded companies and organisations to share information and mitigate risks.

DBaaS Ltd Emissions Reduction Targets

We Pledged by 2030:

• To further reduce our scope 1, 2, and 3 carbon emissions and to be aligned with net-zero ambitions. • 75% of the Digital & Delivery Ltd Services to our customers will reduce their carbon impact in our scope 3 value chain. • We will support our customers to reduce the impact of emissions due to unavoidable business travel through a verified Carbon Offset provider. • We will partner with our suppliers to provide energy-efficient products and source materials within a circular economy enabling our customers to meet their own net zero ambitions. In order to continue our progress to achieving Net Zero, we have adopted the following carbon reduction policies.

Managing Risk in our Supply Chains

We recognise there are risks of Carbon Reduction Plan in the supply chains for all types of goods and services, and that in many cases, whether exploitation is taking place or not is unknown. However, we have also identified some key known risk areas related to our supply chains, highlighted by research and media reports, and are using these tools and procedures to mitigate these risks.
The Carbon Reduction Plan is reported to have marginally increased in the UK and rest of Europe, particularly in relation to migrant workers.

Flexible Working

Our strong flexible working policy and homeworking policies, as well as changed working patterns resulting from Covid, have given staff increased flexibility over where they work. This in turn decreases the need for travel and is reducing the demand for office space, driving a reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions, as well as those Scope 3 emissions associated with business travel and employee commute.

Our Estate

We source our electricity from renewable sources via our landlord. Energy efficient equipment is used throughout the building. All office and communal area lighting are controlled by PIR sensors and non-occupancy timers to minimise energy wastage in un-occupied areas.

Net Zero Carbon Travel Commitment

We are mindful in our travel procedures to ensure that digital meetings are prioritised and that lower carbon transport alternatives are selected wherever possible. We participate in the Cycle2Work scheme, which provides employees with significant savings on the cost of a bicycle, encouraging them to this use mode of transport rather than drive and help reduce the UK’s carbon footprint.

Net Zero Culture

We have embedded a net-zero focussed culture throughout our organization, by aligning the interests of our employees, customers, community and the environment. We have an Digital & Delivery Ltd Special Eco Pledge behavioural change initiative, targeted at actions individuals can take to help drive a reduction in our corporate carbon footprint in relation things like waste, energy use and business travel, as well as looking at their own personal carbon footprint and lifestyle impacts. We hold an annual NZC month to inform and encourage all our staff on our low carbon ambitions. This is coupled with an Intranet site covering all of our sustainability and NZC projects and initiatives. We provide NZC awareness programme and low carbon training via our E-learning platform via third party training programme.

Future Carbon Reduction Initiatives

We will run ongoing programmes of behavioural change to support changes to business travel and to reduce demand for energy consumption. By promoting an environmental culture, creating awareness, educating and providing employees with the tools to allow them to take into consideration, the environment in all decision-making processes and through employee empowerment to further decarbonise our business. Scope 3 We are reviewing our Scope 3 emissions to identify further carbon reduction opportunities, refine and improve data quality and capture. We are collecting data and will drive a carbon reduction strategy in relation to: • Purchased goods and services • Waste generation • Employee commuting • Business travel • Use of sold products • End of life of sold products

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